Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Fashion Sterling Silver Jewelry Trends for Upcoming 2018

Sterling silver is the only type of jewelry that is beautiful, versatile, durable, and affordable all at the same time. You can see these silver jewelry on fashion shows.  Whether the accessory is a ring, necklace, earring, or bracelet, sterling silver is never out of fashion. Save your time and check here latest fashion sterling silver jewelry for upcoming 2018.

Collar Necklace

Sterling silver Collar Necklace

We first saw the emergence of the collar necklace in 2015. As the trend evolved, we saw the collar necklace adorned with sparkly stones and gems. Now, we are seeing a shift towards larger, more elaborate collar necklaces. These sterling silver necklaces feature various designs and layers that link together to form a sort of tapestry of silver goodness.

Charm Bracelet

Sterling silver Charm Bracelet

Charm bracelets are still very much trending during this year. If you loved one already has a charm bracelet, a meaningful sterling silver charm is the perfect holiday gift that won't break the bank. The best feature about charm bracelets is that they can be added onto, subtracted, or reorganized to create completely different moods and looks.

Infinity Rings

Infinity Rings

The infinity ring originated from Turkey. An infinity ring meaning is said to be a symbol of faithfulness and love. If your personal style is more minimalistic than flashy, a sleek infinity promise rings says "forever" without being too over-the-top.

Ear Cuff

Sterling silver  Ear Cuff

Ear cuffs swept the fashion scene this year, and they are still going strong well into the trends of the 2018. Ear cuffs are perfect accessories for those who do not have pierced ears or simply do not want to make the commitment. Sterling silver ear cuffs can be worn on different parts of the ear to reflect different looks and tastes.

Choker Necklace

Sterling silver  Choker Necklace

One of the most important sterling silver jewelry fashion trends for the New Year is the choker. Although the most common type of choker necklaces are not entirely made of sterling silver, many chokers now come with adorable charms in the center. Sterling silver charms come in all types of shapes and styles, making the chokers even more unique and personalized. Gemstones set in sterling silver are also a common trend in choker necklaces.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

All You Need to Know About Promise Rings

Promise rings are the one big step before engagement rings – they show a couple's devotion and commitment to each other, their love and dedication. Choosing a promise ring for the woman in your life can be a stressful experience. Especially if you don't really know what you're looking for.

What is a Promise Ring?

Many of you might know that promise rings generally represent commitment, but these rings have multiple meanings to them. They can signify future engagement. Or just a simple devotion to one another.

Promise Ring Etiquette

Promise types may not be the same thing as engagement rings, but they're not something that you give to someone just for fun. While there is no specific etiquette per say, we do have a few guidelines you can abide by:

  • You should be dating for at least a year
  • These are perfect if engagement rings are a little out of your budget
  • Use them to show a partner how serious you are
  • Perfect if neither of you is ready to be engaged yet
  • Be prepared for a larger commitment

Who Gives One?

Since there are so many meanings and uses of promise rings, there are many people who can give one as well! You can give one to yourself, a friend can give one, or most commonly, a romantic partner can give one. They don't need to be a symbol of romantic love as long as they show how much the other person means to you.

Just like the promise ring itself has become popular in the past decade, the way they're worn, purchased, presented, and styled have become trendy. If you want to know latest fashion trends of promise rings, just visiting Lajerrio now!

Best Promise Rings for Men

You may be wondering, "should men wear promise rings?". The answer is - of course!Promise rings are exchanged as a symbol of commi...